
CircuitPython library to support VEML6075 UVA & UVB sensor.

  • Author(s): ladyada

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

class adafruit_veml6075.VEML6075(i2c_bus, *, integration_time=50, high_dynamic=True, uva_a_coef=2.22, uva_b_coef=1.33, uvb_c_coef=2.95, uvb_d_coef=1.74, uva_response=0.001461, uvb_response=0.002591)

Driver base for the VEML6075 UV Light Sensor :param i2c_bus: The busio.I2C object to use. This is the only required parameter. :param int integration_time: The integration time you’d like to set initially. Availble options - each in milliseconds: 50, 100, 200, 400, 800. The higher the ‘_x_’ value, the more accurate the reading is (at the cost of less samples per reading). Defaults to 100ms if parameter not passed. To change setting after intialization, use [veml6075].integration_time = new_it_value. :param bool high_dynamic: whether to put sensor in ‘high dynamic setting’ mode :param float uva_a_coef: the UVA visible coefficient :param float uva_b_coef: the UVA IR coefficient :param float uvb_c_coef: the UVB visible coefficient :param float uvb_d_coef: the UVB IR coefficient :param float uva_response: the UVA responsivity :param float uvb_response: the UVA responsivity

property integration_time

The amount of time the VEML is sampling data for, in millis. Valid times are 50, 100, 200, 400 or 800ms

property uv_index

The calculated UV Index

property uva

The calibrated UVA reading, in ‘counts’ over the sample period

property uvb

The calibrated UVB reading, in ‘counts’ over the sample period